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In exciting news, I have an all new website, courtesy of the wonderful J. Michael Bailey. I will no longer be posting on this website, but will keep it up under "" for archival purposes. For the latest news, please visit me at

Today, we have a review and spotlight of Janette Rallison's "The Girl Who Heard Demons". This was  Kindle Scout winner, which made me especially interested in it. There were many things to enjoy about the story, and here are a few of my highlights. 1. The character voices were engaging. I thought the voice of the narrator provided a distinct character from

As we drove to attend the premiere of the new Saturday's Warrior film, my wife and I listened to the original soundtrack in the car. Two things popped out at me right away: 1. The messages here are really great. 2. The music really dates itself. With these two conclusions in mind, I went into the showing being sold on the concept of updating the production for

Coming in April 2016, my latest novel, a high-fantasy epic called "The Hunger". It is the first in a trilogy, and I'm well through writing the second book already, which will likely be called "The Thirst". Keep an eye on this space for more information and leave a comment to let me know what you think of the cover! Here's a blurb about the story: Feed your Hunger.In

Thanks to Deseret Book, I was able to see "Singing With Angels" at the premiere at the Megaplex Theater in Sandy, Utah.  My wife and I attended the showing with a much of the cast, leadership of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and even an apostle from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This project has been one I've been anticipating for a long

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