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“Defensive Tactics” proved to me that an “LDS Thriller” can be done right.  It combined elements of a redemptive story in the character of Jimmy, and provided a suspenseful chase as FBI agents try to close in on the corrupt Judge Craven. 

I found the characters both well-drawn and likeable.  Especially enjoyable were the antics and witty banter of Jimmy, who can’t seem to hold down a steady job or take life seriously.   He filled in the details of the characters in quite imaginative ways.  (For example, Jimmy gets fired from a fast food job because he was sneaking meatballs and keeping them in his pockets.  The image made me chuckle)

The well-executed characterization makes it so that you really care about the characters’ plight as they all get entangled in a web of a corrupt judge and his cronies.  I found the plot interesting without becoming confusing. Best of all, it feels like a well-balanced story with a variety of elements of action, romance, suspense, and redemption.  

Paul Stephens has it all--a wonderful job at the FBI, a new girlfriend, and a great apartment. Even when Jimmy, a friend from his past, unexpectedly ends up on his couch, Paul has no worries. But when arresting a corrupt judge puts his girlfriend's life in danger, Paul and Jimmy will do anything to save her. How far will Paul go to protect the ones he love? Filled with suspense and action, Defensive Tactics shows just how much the bonds of friendship can endure. 

Pick up a copy just in time for the Holidays.  You'll be glad you did.  

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